damn, that can't be good. i'll try and reproduce it and upload a fix before the americans wake up
thanks for playing!
edit: the hood only drops starting at level 3 (Lower Dungeons 2) - good luck!
Run number 2!
This time i found good melee weapons, so i went that route. This way i encountered other issues: The biggest one, was that shift + left mouse click sometimes didnt work in the middle of a fight. For instance if there is a barrel or some candelabra (i think its called that?) in front of a monster, the character just wont attack. There were other situations with lots of enemies in front of me where that happened, so i just left the shift key alone.
After a while i found some shield that distributed some of the dmg received to your mana pool. I figured i go even further down that road when i found a book of mana shield. However i noticed that once the mana shield runs out because mana is at 0, the effect above the players head wont disappear. If i reapplied the spell it works well again until i lost all mana. I couldnt test if this was a combination of the shield item + the spell, because in the end i tried saving, accidentally hit some key and opened the cheat console. Im stuck at that console screen now and cant close it with the backtick (maybe im just too dumb) :(
Anyhow, i came as far as the breeding grounds and still didnt find the green hood. There were like 2 or 3 items with green names that i found, so i guess its just a matter of time and runs until i find it. So the quest continues.
Now that the important things are covered, i have some thoughts about aesthetics and usability too. Lets start with the former:
- Some animations seem to be way too fast. Dropping items feel like they are in a hurry. Explosions feel like sped up 2x at least. I like your art, but i think that could be a quick win for some style points.
- Another small thing for style: new footstep sounds. The current one is fine, but monotonous after a while. Breaking it up with variations for example would do a lot. Also once you reach those caves in the breeding grounds one would expect a different sound.
- I really like the newer models and content. Progressing through the game clearly shows progression on the development itself, which is wonderful to see. Music is great, 2d art thats not placeholder is great too (love the spellbook <3).
About usability:
- Right click does different things in the inventory depending on item. Its confusing that right clicking a book consumes it, but a potion will be dropped. Especially in a tight battle thats an issue, as you have to do at least 2 clicks more to consume a health potion if you dont have any left in your belt slots. (i had such an situation and just right clicked 4 potions in the inventory to quickly pick em up again to restock the quickbar)
- Doors were a bit confusing at times: Barrels have an outline when usable, doors do not. So you are never too sure if you are gonna open one or not. Also i was confused at first that holding down left mouse to walk constantly, also triggers doors. Once i knew about that, it had some perks, like doors practically not existing because you just breeze through them lol.
- The automap was confusing at first, because the player indicator isnt that prominent and the positioning makes it a little worse imho. If you stand around corpses or enemies that are bloody (and theres quite a lot of blood), the indicator has pretty much the same color and is lost to the eye. As with the other things you can get used to it, but it would be a relatively easy thing to change and provide better QoL.
Some of these things await me too, so im excited to see how future versions of Kalemonvo turn out! I will continue to look for this great hood, try to break the game in other ways and reach the end. But i must say that im a bit jealous of how far you have gotten in making this.
Thanks for the extensive feedback!
The candle things - i forgot to include a proper player interaction script on them, so they mask any clicks on them (you can't click the ground/enemies behind them). I should've done than when I pushed out the door stuck update, but I forgot. Dang.
As for the shift key - it's messy and needs work. I didn't test it with 2Handed weapons recently, so it's probably awful to use. I added it to the list of things to fix
In general, things after the Halls of Pain are very messy - I don't think I've checked the manashield spell in years, so anything could be wrong with it
For the console - the ` key *should* work. if you have the game still open for any reason, try it out and see what's up (make sure you're not clicked on the text input field by accident and are typing ```` over and over). If that still doesn't work, I assume something somewhere broke and the key is upset. If you want to, you can always send me your log file output (C drive -> Users -> You -> Appdata -> Locallow -> osur -> ToK .17 -> playerlog.txt) and I can investigate further. If not, that's fine - you've done more than enough as-is
>Doors have no outline
They will - it's my most requested feature at the moment, especially since if you get a certain terrain color, doors are hard to spot. It will be done by the next major patch
Everything else you mentioned makes sense and is something I'll consider doing after the standard DD cleanup update.
As for the hood luck - greens spawn semi-randomly, most often from the 2 gold chests and from named baddies! Some are fixed spawns (the paladin shield from the super-unique baddie), but the rest are all random. If you don't find it now, there's always next DD!
Thanks again for playing and for the detailed review
Regarding the console thing: I just tried to reproduce it. With the german settings of my keyboard i couldnt even open the cheat console. After switching languages it worked. So my guess is i accidentally did exactly that and locked myself in.
Better just ignore that part then, most people will probably never experience this series of mistakes :D