This is my first time giving Vividlope a shot after seeing you in both aggy and /v/ threads for a long time now and I can safely say you'll make bank off this. It's great, really great! One of my DD favorites for sure - especially the music. The default track that plays during gameplay is stellar, some 90s to early 00s relaxing jungle inspired mood. I muted my own music (which I rarely do) to listen to it. Excellent work.
I seriously can't think of any meaningful constructive criticism, so keep doing whatever you're doing. Everything I'll list will be nitpicks or small ideas, but I think perhaps one or two would be of use
>I'd change the backgrounds. While I recognized a few (NYC skyline), I don't think they fit the aesthetic. I'd go for more abstract visuals, or some fantasy locations instead of what you have now. Really depends on what you're going for, I guess
>Some hints are ordered weirdly (randomly chosen at the start of levels?) 5 or 6 stages in, I get a hint about what the targets mean on the playing stage (red -> baddies show up, blue -> reward). I already learned this myself after stage 2, so it felt weird to have this now. The one afterwards, though, was telling me I could jump diagonally - I had NO idea I could do this and it would've helped a lot to know before, since I'd fuck up the bonus round every time because of poorly aimed jumps.
>Enter/Space to quickly end or speed up the hurt animation? They're good but if I feel like I'm in the zone or something, I want to go NOW
Otherwise you're set. Remember us lil' guys when you make it big