edit in CIU folder prefs file, first 2 lines are dock coordinates, set them 250 & 250 and restart, it should not be possible to go outside screen? hidden overscan ?? just add icon or remove and it will fix background color ... this is because one icon I set is not on your system ;)
Hello again. Just tried the Dock as well. Followed your instructions and all is ok. I attach photo. Settings work fine too. Sometimes toggling between different types of dock looses completely the position and you can see the dock hanging just below the top WB bar. Regarding the position of the dock is better if someone sets it in the prefs file himself. That way the dock appears exactly where you want it to be, otherwise not exactly. One thing I noticed it doesn’t support is the ability to sense when dragging a file over it that needs an action (ie I had an extracting tool on my dock and when I dragged an archive over it, then immediately it started de archiving it). That is something for the next versions maybe.
The last thing I want to mention and I don’t know if it is a dock issue or not is the fact that sometimes I experience a lock up on the menu of apps that are open and I will explain why I say it here. I first experienced it in the new 6.70 32SE installation and didn’t know what to make of it. Then swapped CF card and used one of my 3.2.1 installations which is rock stable and I installed the QDock there. All went fine but for the first time I had a lock there too. It locks on an app menu and it needs turn off in order to come back to life.
Maybe you could look into it. I will continue to test it and swap between WBDock2 and QDock and see results.
It is a great dock though and I really want it to make it work flawlessly.
If you need me to test something just let me know.
Thanks a lot
PS. I just saw there is an even newer version 1.51. I will test that tomorrow morning. Do I just copy the QDock main file and it’s icon or I need to copy over all files? Or do I just keep the prefs file and change everything else? Thanks a lot and congratulations
Good Morning there
Installed the 1.51 version and all looks good. Keeps position better, seems stable but still have lock ups though. A remark is that very often when you click an icon app to open it, it takes like 4-5 seconds to respond. It is like it hasn’t registered the click and you might click again trying to open it and then you end up with 2 apps opening. Also sometimes you click an icon to open, nothing happens and then when you hover with the mouse on the dock ready to click again it opens the app your mouse hovers upon (without having clicked it) and not the one you clicked earlier. If you wait 1-2 seconds above the icon you want to press and then click it, it seems that it opens it fine all the time.
That is so far
Hello again
Just tried the 1.53 version of QDock. The Drop on icon feature doesn't work and the responsiveness of the dock has gotten a lot worse and it is almost unsuable. Clicks don't register at all or when they do, the app opens a lot later. Same app mix ups like before where you click one app, it doesn't open and then another app opens (without clicking) depending on where your mouse is.
Hello again. Hope you are well. I have been trying the new QDock version 1.63. I can confirm that it is again usable.
Drop on icon feature works except for one of my apps which I am looking into it to see why. My app is a de archiving app which executes a bat file (script) in S:. I have added it in the Drop on app list but it doesn’t do anything when dropping an archive over it. I have called it XAD->RAM and wrote that exact name in the list. My app works fine in WBDock2. Also in UNpacker when dropping an archive on it, it doesn’t show an output window to know what is doing. If you just click the unpacker app and de archive a file then it shows.
It seems that there are no more lock ups and clicks register normally.
One remark is that when you click on an icon to open an app you should not move away from it immediately because the app usually doesn’t open. You should leave the mouse on that app icon you try to open for like a second and then it opens fine no problem.
Also changing Dock style with (X) it can mess up the position and it usually disappears from screen and you need to change the coordinates manually in prefs file to see the dock again.
That is all for now. Great effort, we are getting there