Played this a couple demodays back so I skipped the tutorials, got to day 6. The progression felt better than before, though it's hard to say whether that's due to it being better or for having played it before. At any rate, my success rate was higher and I didn't have much frustration at the challenge. The sound levels are fine as they are. Having the quick UI be empty from the start is a good choice I think, it allows the player to not feel overwhelmed from all the locations at once.
I don't know if this was the case previously, but the way negative seals go from + to - feels wrong and pointless to do, vice versa for positive seals. I can't see any reason to make them switch their sign on equipping them. It also doesn't make sense since negative seals DO increase your PoP, not drain it on equip. At best it's distracting and at worst it could potentially confuse a player. Though to be fair there could be a decent reasoning and I'm just not seeing it.