- Cute style art style
- I like the cut scene directing
- Systems all seem to be functional
- Name on the text box can be a bit hard to read sometimes with it being half on the textbox and half outside, especially on bright backgrounds
- I managed to accidentally pick some choices before they were fully shown when I just wanted to continue text
- Would be cool to be able to switch choices with Up/Down, I can accept choices with space after all
- Game in general doesn't seem to allow for one-handed play. Depending on density of lewd content in the future this might be an issue.
- Hotkeys for menus would be nice (e.g. I to open inventory)
- Quest design wise, back-tracking through the level all the way to Rose felt kind of bad. Maybe something like a barricade somehow leading back breaking would be nicer
- Not sure how I feel about no forward movement during attack