I’m on linux. Melee build.
- I really appreciate that enemies get bloodier as their health is lowered.
- I wish that dead skeletons’ eyes would stop glowing.
- Noticed some weirdness with selecting resolutions: game defaults for me at 2560x1440, which is higher than my 1920x1200 monitor supports. (btw, would appreciate 16:10 options). Going down to 1080p and then back up to 1440p disables all menu buttons, though i can still hover over them and hear their sound effects, but navigating the menu in any case becomes impossible and I have to kill and restart the game.
- Personally, I find the HUD to be too large. I’d rather have more of the game area visible.
- The slow scrolling text of NPCs is rather frustrating.
- It’d be nice of the cauldron spells which give you a penalty for every third use had an indicator to show how many times you’ve used it.
- I didn’t notice the delays or performance issues that Qwott is talking about.