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A member registered Mar 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi, we talked on agdg not long ago. Can you hit me up on discord? @kylekyleton thanks

I don’t know what to do about it.

If you press “escape” while in the settings menu, a second pause menu will appear, and the settings menu won’t go away until you re-open a new settings menu and close it.

Mouse sensitivity is crazy high.

There’s at least one pair of floating platforms that you’re supposed to jump between to go higher in the level that are slightly out of sync, which means if you miss the right time to use them, you have to wait until they’re close enough to being in sync again before the jump is even possible, which seems like it’ll be a long, long time.

The english is a little funny.

The music is cute. Animations are crude, but kind of charming.

Thanks for the bug report, I think I found what was causing the lingering menu. And thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

lol yeah, ctrl+w is the default shortcut for “close tab” in a lot of browsers. I hadn’t even considered that. Next time I won’t even do a web version, it’s just too much trouble.

Thanks for playing

Can you confirm that it’s not a key rollover problem?

On my laptop, it’s due to the limitations of my keyboard. It absolutely will not register a spacebar press if I holding LShift and A.

Thank you for playing!

The AI is pretty stupid right now. They run away for a bit and come back – it’s just a routine they have. It will get better, I promise.

Hey, thanks for playing.

Right now it feels like more of a fighting game prototype than a battle system

I’m not sure what you mean by this. It’s a “battle system” in this game because this mode is separate from the “adventuring” part of the game. Instead of what would normally be a turn-based battle or something (in a JRPG for example), it’ll be this.

It’s fairly simple to win with just spamming attacks (brawler has some pause between combos but swordsman especially can easily stunlock enemies) as the combat itself doesn’t have much depth at the moment.

Yeah, depth is a problem that I don’t quite know how to solve yet. I’m still working on getting stagger time, knockback amounts, and other things like that dialed in. There’s certainly plenty of progress to be made there.

Expected that going around the block would negate it (hitting the back), was sad that it didn’t.

I shall remedy this.

What I could see to be cautious for in the future is how handling items/equipment via menu would affect the pace of the combat action.

The games that inspired this style of combat use the menu to use items, and it is often frustrating to be pausing the action so often to heal or whatever, but right now I don’t know how to do it better. It’s something I’m often thinking about though. I’m definitely not committed to the menu method.

Thanks for playing.

It borrows a lot from fighting games, but aside from adding chainable special attacks (more flashy, more powerful, uses MP), it’s just not really gonna go very far in the direction of combos and such.

Hey, sorry about the web player issue. I don’t know what that’s about but I’ll probably just… not export for web in the future. :)

Thanks for playing!

upon further investigating it seems like if you’re holding move, then press jump, the jump command is ignored…. sometimes? i think this should be your top priority, since i believe it is a common thing to have in any game featuring combat of this nature.

Yeah, more than anything else, a video game needs to respond to inputs promptly. Nothing is more annoying than having your inputs dropped. I’ll take care of it.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for playing.

Can you be more descriptive about what you mean by “pure jank”? I know it’s pretty unpolished, but is there anything specific that you found janky?

Thanks for playing, Frosch.

it doesn’t feel like the attacks are dealing damage

Good to know, I’ll look into it.

Thanks for playing

Juggles and throws are in the works. :)

Backflipping is fun. Skeletons suck. Music is cool.

I liked it.

The presentation is really not attractive. However, I do like the gameplay, aside from the maze-like dungeons. Really frustrating to just walk around blindly hoping to find treasure chests or the boss.

Upgrades are fun, managing spells is fun.

The churchbell sound effect for the radius-heal channeling spell is LOUD.

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  • There isn’t enough time to read item descriptions. If I stop to read, I get blasted by baddies. If I try to kill everything in the room before I read, the ceiling crushes me before I get a chance.
  • There are too many types of enemies, especially right at the beginning.

The visual design is really cool though.

Linux version. Xbox One controller. When dungeon mode started, it messed up all the controls: left trigger became involved in turning, right stick became mostly uninvolved in turning. Most buttons stopped doing what they should. Up until that point they had been fine. Even after finishing the dungeon (with mouse and keyboard), the controls remained messed up in the shop.

Putting the hat on at the start made me smile. Those customer models are SPOOKY.

You’ve made really great progress. Keep up the good work!

Cute art and animations. I want more.

(1 edit)

Linux version. It wouldn’t let me save the game. It’d fade to black and just stay there. Pressing spacebar or enter again would play the fade-to-black animation again and just leave me stuck there – again. The computer in the starting room let me login with empty fields for both user and password, and I could still read the emails as that unnamed user.

The lighting and texture work are excellent. Reloading the revolver manually is neat.

I think your game is way cool.

I have pretty much the same feedback as SPECXHT, plus:

Thought it was weird (but an understandable and justifiable design choice) that you can dig anywhere with the pickaxe, not just next to you.

Once I was satisfied that I “got it”, I of course dug a big pit straight down and fell into the void. I hope that someday there’s something more interesting and mysterious down at the bottom of the world.

I’ve never played any Fire Emblem games so maybe some of the things that should be obvious to your target audience just aren’t to me.

When using the “attack” action, it took me a bit to figure out how – or that I even could – select which unit I’m attacking. The selection window just looks like a confirmation window, and I didn’t see an obvious indication that I could scroll to select other enemies in range.

I found myself losing lots of units. I know that I suck, but it also feels like it’s unavoidable. Are units meant to be somewhat disposable? If that’s the case, giving them all names and portraits seems cruel.

I like your visual design. Colorful and comfy.

This has sure come a long way since I last played it. I was curious where it was going when you first started and this seems like a fun direction. The gardening aspect is nice. Cutting a swatch through the forest looking for springs is cool.

I wish there was an obvious way to NOT fire my gun after aiming it.

It’s hard to explain. I kept catching glimpses of potential as I played your demo. It feels like the dialogue system is hiding its power level. It feels like there’s a lot of cool stuff going on behind the scenes.

Lookin’ good!


Good hook at the beginning; gets me interested in your world. Combat starts and I can’t do very much of anything at all. There’s a weird white line thing in the middle of my screen. Zoom out and see, “oh, it’s surrounding the half of the screen that I’m hovering over – that wasn’t very obvious”. Click the left half of the screen to put my fighter there. Game says, “now click the start combat button to begin.” It doesn’t work. Neither does the “Next” button that appeared at the bottom center of the screen. Stuck forever. Quit game. Write this post.

I really wish I got to see more. Your art style is cool. The world seems fascinating.

Linux version.

Noticed some hiccuping when performing actions for the first time on my not-great-but-not-by-any-means-slow computer. Casting spells and opening the map in particular were big hiccups. Noticed a lot of error messages in my console about missing nodes. I wish enemies were outlined when they were behind walls. I kept getting hit by a goblin I couldn’t see. Sometimes I was able to click on doors through walls to open them even though the cursor wouldn’t indicate I was hovering my mouse on a door. I like the belch after drinking a potion.

Needs some polish, but it feels pretty good. Animations are a bit stiff. I’m a bit confused about how air maneuvers work – for example, pressing “up” doesn’t just tilt you forward a bit, it full-on does a complete flip for you? Is that right? I found myself finishing a flip, then trying to correct for momentum as it finished, which threw me into a backflip again. I guess what I’m saying is, I want to make my character do the flip – I don’t want the game to do a flip for me when I press the button.

(1 edit)

I liked this game way more than I thought I would.

Oh, it’s tetris with cute faces on the shapes

No no, much better than that. The music is very nice. The sounds are very nice. The faces are cute. Very challenging and fun. I kept thinking, “I can do better than that – just one more game.”

I wish there was an option to lock the mouse to the game area. I found myself accidentally clicking buttons on the side of the screen when I just wanted to place a piece. Maybe it’s there and I just missed it.

(3 edits)

Linux version.

I was disappointed that I couldn’t go backwards right at the start. This is one of the first things I try in any game, hoping that some secret or little goodie will be back there.

The letterbox effect and the white noise don’t reach the bottom of my 16:10 display. There’s a 120 pixel band at the bottom that doesn’t get captured by these effects.

After choosing “yes” to “jump after?”, I get stuck after the white noise effect. Happened the same way twice and then I gave up trying any more. I see the crates and text box in your published screenshot, but the text box is entirely empty except for the “VI”. My console gives this report:

Error opening file: res://texts/sd_world_chat.json
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index 'plot_0' (on base: 'Nil').
          at: get_character_code_before_chat (res://chat.gdc:43)
Error opening file: res://texts/sd_world_chat.json

then the spacebar, which I’m assuming is the key to advance the dialogue, gives this:

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index 'plot_0' (on base: 'Nil').
          at: Wait.read_frame (res://chat.gdc:113)
state is 0

Linux version. Three attempts to play. Three crashes. First two were almost immediately upon starting a game. Shoot a few bugs, jump, crash. Third attempt, I actually managed to play a bit. The spacebar really does a lot of work in this game; I really like being able to kick projectiles and evade damage. The combination of flesh and metal in the visual design is very cool. Imagining bullet belts and armor as being biological is pretty rad.

Don’t have much else to say. From my limited experience, it looks good and feels good and sounds pretty good.

(1 edit)

It’s working!

I absolutely love the surreal and fantastic aesthetic. It’s weird in just the way that I love. Can’t wait to see where this goes!

When opening the small shack, I noticed that it didn’t open right away, so I tried again, which made the door jump right into the closing animation. I suspect this wasn’t intended.

Some exceptionally strange behavior happened when I tried to ride(?) the dragon. There was a loading screen – sort of – but I could still look around and the skybox was moving and the loading image kept fading in and out and I couldn’t really tell if I was experiencing bugs or if it was intended or what. Anyway, where it eventually dropped me off was kinda cool.

(1 edit)

Well, after installing what you suggested as well as a couple others that sounded promising, the same crash persists. I don’t really want to go installing package after package to find out which one solves the issue.

If you do some investigating and find a promising candidate, lemme know and I’ll try it out.

(1 edit)
Thread 1 "aum" received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
0x00000000002297b7 in vulkan_global_uniform_buffer_set (context=0x2dae40 <context>) at src/vulkan_engine/vulkan_buffer.c:128
128	src/vulkan_engine/vulkan_buffer.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00000000002297b7 in vulkan_global_uniform_buffer_set (context=0x2dae40 <context>) at src/vulkan_engine/vulkan_buffer.c:128
#1  0x0000000000217db3 in vulkan_draw () at src/vulkan_engine/vulkan.c:170
#2  0x000000000021673b in app_render () at src/main.c:43
#3  0x0000000000216847 in app_run () at src/main.c:70
#4  0x00000000002168c9 in main () at src/main.c:90
[kyle@gum ~]$ nala list --installed | grep vulkan
libvulkan1 [Ubuntu/jammy main]
mesa-vulkan-drivers 22.3.5-1pop1~1677168864~22.04~8f20e98 [Pop!_OS Release/jammy main]
vulkan-tools [Ubuntu/jammy universe]
vulkan-validationlayers [Ubuntu/jammy universe]

Let me know if you’d like the full output and I can throw it up on a paste bin.

The UI changes are excellent. Happy demo day!

I really like this game. Very charming and cute. I also transformed the spring leg boss and he fell through the floor.

The fluid dynamics are quite cool to play with. Glad to see you this demo day.