Played through to day 20-something. It was fun, but man, did it kick my ass.
Wow man, thanks. That's a lot of playtesting.
Hold crouch should really be default with how often you have to switch.
The idea for crouching is to slow you down to offset its benefits e.g. most jumps from ground where you would use one air jump could be dealt with crouch jump + ledge climb.
It really really really needs a slide mechanic. It hurts my soul every time I go from sprinting to crouching and lose all momentum instantly.
You can still dash while crouching. You really shouldn't be walking while crouching too much with how slow it is. I will see playtest if maybe I can keep the velocity.
The difficulty ramps up way too fast for me. I wasn't able to even find the magic mirror within the time limit most of the time, but it was still throwing more and more complex dungeons at me. At least make it count succesful dungeon runs rather than just days when it forces you to upgrade.Damn, I thought this update addressed that well. You get put on harder difficulty based on either collected gold, fun/lust points, and eventually days. After you unlock more templates for randomization I don't expect players to succeed every run. Some templates require more planning, and different tactics. At what day did you feel the difficulty ramped up by a lot? Any specific templates you found much harder? Did you always refuse to amp up the difficulty?
Or maybe have the seal that disables the timer be on by default. It's really stressful for newbies.
Are you talking about the Unlimited Time setting in Dungeon/Time? The only downside of using it in current version is it makes you collect far less gold, and it costs gold too. Maybe add a reminder message telling players they can use it? Make it free for more days?
There's a tab in the reception called "roleplay" but I couldn't figure out what it does. Idle animations for the guests in the dungeon? Or is it not implemented?
By default, if you hold right mouse button on some ui elements, like that "roleplay" button is going to show you tooltip explanations. There is an option in settings to make tooltips show up automatically on hover after some time. To unlock the "Roleplay" tags you need to unlock higher tier in fun/lust tower. And yes those tags act as requirements for different idle animation, or at least will be in future when I add content beyond placeholder models.
I encountered a single bug: After a failed dungeon generation, it let me start a run, but it just spawned me in a void, falling forever. It can't have been completely empty - I saw some arrows from a trap off in the distance falling alongside me - but I never saw any level geometry. Also, the timer didn't start. I was able to abort the level through the menu just fine though.Thank you for reporting this. It shouldn't let you to start if the generation failed, so I must have broken it at some point. Your description helps me narrow it down. By the way do you remember which template you were on when the generation failed? I am asking because it is possible my template rules were too restrictive, and I didn't have needed rooms for the generation to complete. I hope the failed generation happened only once.
Very slow start. Please condense the cutscenes. There's like four before your first real dungeon run.
I thought the inbetween tutorials break them down well. I actually cut down a lot from my inidial drafts, so I am out of ideas what else I could cut out. I am open to suggestions. Maybe if I add visuals it wouldn't feel so long?
the Shop Keeper going "ano..." is maybe a little much for a game in English.
I do try not to be too weeby, but it was hard to help myself. What would you replace it with anyway?
Love the music.
That's great. I went with 3 different songs for runs to see which type would work best, but I think most people feel they all work, so I am happy.
The rooms could stand to have some vaulted ceilings
Yeah, it's mainly because the generation has every room essentially in a box, and I tried to maximize their sizes without changing them to bigger room types. I will see if I can change some of the rooms ceilings where it wouldn't change platforming. It was also jarring to me when every room had differently angled ceilings after put together in the dungeon, so flat ceiling were to keep them consistent.
The "boing" sound effect better not be a place holder, because it's great.
It grew on me too. I have no idea what I would replace it with.
The use lever animation sounds like the Boss is snapping his fingers, but it looks like just finger guns with no snap.
Yeah, that was me basically trying to get away with not animating all the fingers by having a sound cue. Maybe I should have Boss going "pew" instead, because so many people said they love finger gun.
I look forward to playing it again.
Thanks for all the testing, very helpful.