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I've played a lot of these types of games before, and this is another great one! I finished all the content there was, it took ~3hs. Pretty much only used a bow into crossbows, swapped to sword and shield to kill faceless enemies at the start though because they seem really hard to hit with ranged (intended?). Only really used bloodlust, freezing strikes, and mana shield for magic. I didn't get stuck in any doors or see any tiny skellies this time though! Although I never reloaded so maybe they were waiting...

  • I think if the first two or so level ups came a lot faster it would feel nicer.
  • Would be nice if doors were highlighted as you hovered them, maybe a muted grey color.
  • Please let me click the spell icon in the bottom right to bring up the spell book, with that spell selected.
  • Spell wheel is really tiny. And what about having the spells in the wheel be selectable by using the  mouse scroll wheel?
  • The airshield FX stayed forever for me after using the spell once, but it didn't seem to have any effect after the normal duration ran out.
  • Unique enemies should have gold text in the UI! Would be nice if they looked a bit more different from regular enemies in some way too.
  • Some unique enemies seem to have way too much health, especially in the very beginning (brought back memories of fighting The Butcher in D1 with a crappy short bow). Many didn't pose any threat at all because you could just kite them to death; would be really cool if they had more and varied effects (though I've only played through the game once so I could have missed a lot) like a damaging aura, slowly pulling you towards it, summoning enemies behind you when you encounter it, projectile blocking bubble around it, AoE attacks, and so on. I'm sure you have stuff planned already.
  • Returning to a previous area will respawn barrels. Also destroy all items on the floor? I tried to go back for some books once and they were nuked, oops.
  • Sometimes enemy outlines, or barrels, get stuck. Don't know why.
  • In some cases clicking close to an enemy will attack it but it doesn't show up as highlighted (no outline nor text in the UI)
  • I wish there was some FX when an enemy gets pierced when using piercing shot.
  • Particles around rare chests should disappear after opened.
  • No way to give the paladin his shield back for a reward? :(
  • Would dynamic lights around fire projectiles murder performance?
  • Spitters/acid dudes get stuck in place doing their running animation. Also their attack animations are out of sync with their projectiles coming out.
  • The walking animations for the goatmen don't seem synced to their move speed. Their turning looked off too, starts to glide before completing a turn.
  • I'm guessing you haven't made flinching animations for all enemies yet, or is there a condition for them to start flinching? More hit feedback on enemies in general would be great; twitching when hit (not necessarily stop moving), I think only some have blood splatter when hit (?), I wanna see that calcium flying when you hit skellies! etc
  • Would be nice if the goatmen had a more unique attack, the fireballs are so similar to the floating skelly heads (love their firebreath though).
  • More weapon arts please! You probably have stuff planned, but it would be cool if weapons had at least one high skill req. weapon art. Maybe crossbows and bows should have one exclusive one each too.
  • Melee enemies seem way too slow in their reactions in general, especially as they run up to you and just stand there staring. I don't think I ever saw a temptress even begin an attack.
  • Kiting felt way too powerful, I found the game pretty easy and I think it has a lot to do with kiting being so incredibly strong. As I said I only played with ranged weapons so maybe its a lot different with melee. Or maybe I was just carried by this ring I got really early, mana steal as early as I got it was incredibly strong and cold damage slowing enemies makes kiting even crazier. Having enemies with abilities/behaviors to discourage and make kiting less effective might be a good idea.

  • I didn't really "get" the first boss, he didn't really seem to do anything. Just run at you really fast and stare you down. I read later that he heals himself, I didn't get that at all haha and kiting him worked just fine anyway. Maybe having + particles spawn around him as he casts the heal would get the message across better, but maybe that would just look tacky. Making him very noticeably bloody as he starts to get injured and then cleans up when he heals himself could work too.
  • If you have cold damage from an item (maybe its the same thing with other elements too) and cast Freezing Strikes, when that skill runs out you will lose the cold effect from the item too until you un-equip and re-equip the item.
  • If you use a weapon art (only tried with bow and xbow) and immediately move before the shoot animation finished mana will be taken as normal and the next regular attack will instead be the weapon art.
  • At one point I had two savegames and as I saved I accidentally named it the same thing as the other save. It seemed to have broken saving completely afterwards and when I exited the menu and reopened it I couldn't get into the save menu again. There were no saved games when looking in the load game menu either.  I kept playing though and luckily didn't die.
  • Please don't make me retype the savegame name every time I save.
  • Trying to pickup a potion when the inventory is full and the inventory screen is open doesn't pick it up to the cursor. Works with other items than potions.
  • Monster spawning can be improved, a bit too often there will spawn groups of just a single monster type, encounters can be a lot more interesting with different ones close together. Had to fight a few too many groups of only ~6 floating skulls.
  • I kind of miss a Fallen One/goblin enemy analogue, but maybe you don't want to be too close to Diablo...
  • I want to see more enemies and with different behaviors! More, different weapons and items! Just like make more content!

I had a great time playing through it, can't wait for more.

Thanks for going through and beating the game, you glorious madman!

While I agree with all of your points and suggestions, the two spell wheel ones were really clever and I'll look into implementing them for the next patch or as soon as possible after I fix everything else that's pressing. I can't believe I didn't think of that, nice job.

>I didn't really "get" the first boss, he didn't really seem to do anything. Just run at you really fast and stare you down. 

that's weird - he usually has a pretty fast attack, and will try to drain your mana every few seconds, then switch to healing himself. If you decide to flee, he taunts you then heals himself more. Perhaps I missed something when testing, since quite a few people told me their encounters with him aren't matching up to what i'm experiencing. I'll need to test this a bit more.

I also didn't really expect anyone would be brave enough to defeat the Halls of Pain and go beyond - everything after the first Golden Goblin room is entirely placeholder-tier. Temptresses will hopefully be fully replaced (but their skillset will live on), Spitters will be cleaned up, and so on. Same with the spells - I didn't really bother testing airshield/freezing strikes for that same reason.

>Kiting and enemy strength

It's still something that changes heavily every patch. It's a tricky thing to balance, since fighting an enemy 1on1 always feels like the enemy stands still and waits to be executed. Then I (playing like a beginner to make sure things are balanced enough) walk into a room with 6 skeletons on level 1, get surrounded and hacked to death in 2 seconds.

For kiting specifically, the Faceless boys have the evasion modifier, where there's a high chance shots will just go through them or otherwise not connect. They're much weaker to melee to balance out, but I think that's an interesting way to tackle kiting instead of just hardnerfing bows more, so I'm slowly making more changes to kiting by adding things instead of nerfing them. I think there's still a lot to do in that aspect, but hopefully I'm moving in the right direction.

>More stuff!

it's coming! I don't like how much jank there is that people discovered, so that'll be the priority for a bit. Afterwards, weapons (especially 2Handers) will be getting lots of love. The bare minimum would be 6 per type, then we go from there.

Really, thanks again for the playthrough! Pride yourself in knowing you are the first person to reach the end of this version! It means a lot to know that things worked enough that a completion was feasible.

Be sure to submit TGIG next DD so I can blast some boys as well