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I think this game fits the jam theme in a pretty inventive way and that you executed on the concept pretty well.  While there weren't many levels, each one brought a new mechanic and required a different strategy to win. Some of them did feel pretty difficult (almost to a frustrating extent, though this was mostly due to making many attempts without much thought), but after some thinking I was able to figure them out. In fact, I think I actually found the game to be more fun when I treated it like a puzzle game (rather than an aimlessly run around and press e on houses game lol). 

Some of the graphics were somewhat confusing in isolation (though I was able to figure out what they were based on context, specifically the buildings. I think that part of this has to do with the top-down perspective and how it's hard to identify the roof of the building  when it is composed of two flat colors.  That being said, I don't dislike the graphics, I actually think it all fits together pretty well. The music and sound effects were also a nice touch.

Overall, I actually think this works pretty well as a game jam game; it fulfills the theme and requires a surprising amount of strategy for an almost one-button game.

Thanks so much for this feedback!