Its been awhile since I've done one of these. Critique Below.
- Good Sound Design. This made for a really creepy atmosphere.
- The monster was also pretty creepy. bonus props for seeing him on the tv a floor below
- The Flyer idea was good. Alot of developers make games but as you play all you do is ask why am I doing this, well in this case to invite people to a party.
- Floaty controls. People think the head bob and extra movement adds immersion. In my opinion its just annoying at times. The head bob is bad when you have to hit tiny buttons and the extra movement makes it feel like and ice level.
- Big gaps in between scares. Which is ok but in this "short" game the fear went away alot. (I don't know how to word this better)
- The corridor change was cool until it wasn't. Changing corridors were used a bit too much. (Just my opinion)
Pretty good experience, with a couple ok jump scares. It also seems like you put time and effort into this game to make it stand out. Keep at it and I can't wait to see what you put out next. GG