Very fun! I love the movement and the feel of zipping around and trying to be unpredictable - actually surprisingly hard to maintain focus of where I'm aiming as well as remember to zip zoop around.
The start of the game is definitely the hardest and it takes a bit of time to get back into the thick of it when you die which makes it take a while to trial-and-error, but the inverse difficulty-curve feels great once you start to take down enemy ships and get powerful weapons. I started with the missile cruiser :)
Not too much worth critiquing since obviously polish would come from extra time, being a game jam and all. The difficulty is mainly at the start, although I like this as the game feels like sort of high-intensity puzzle to figure out the right tactics to go for early and the rest sort of slots into place once you have experience. And beating the first ship is pretty much a win! (Don't get too cocky though, I accept no responsibility for death via hubris.)
The only thing I'd change would be the controls, a controls menu would obviously be great, but I think Space + E for up and down would be better, or something along those lines. Having to engage both Ctrl and Shift was a bit awkward. (Or maybe Ctrl + Shift for Down + Up and Space for boost would make sense actually.) Also I think my mouse was way too sensitive for this game to stay on-target, but I was too stubborn to adjust it :)
Also when using an ultrawide resolution, it basically zooms in to fill. Which I felt might actually be an advantage as it made it a bit easier to aim since I could see further away targets more clearly. Though I did end up beating the game in a regular resolution so maybe not. Perhaps more feedback for the player when you hit a target, but the healthbar going down is clear enough (and the game already noisy enough!) and there would be a LOT of feedback when your missiles and drones are going haywire lmao