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Unique location; I agree with the comments regarding colour. I think some more work around the aesthetic and it could turn out good.

Thank you! And yeah, if I continue it, I would like to make it look better, either with dynamic lighting, or at least more differences in color. I had considered a more pixelated texture look, but didn't get around to it. I like old Build games, so maybe I'll see how it'd look like that.

I think I might break up this level (and any future levels) into sectioned rooms, too, if I get the chance. One problem I had was I had a lot of 3D models all in the level all at the same time, so it was kind of a resource hog. I had to nerf some aspects of it that I thought looked way cooler like I had 3D pouches on the wall at first. But then I thought it would be kind of wasteful to have 3D wall background basically.