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5/5 This is my favorite game so far. Super challenging but when you start understanding the controls it's sooooooo good. An announcer would be a great addition if you were to find a good one. My record of the time of writing this is 15 000. I'll definately play more of it :D Also it's made by people of the best country in the world, mennää joskus yksille ja pelataa CTR sen jälkeen


If I had to critique anything, I sometimes spin out after switching drifts and just kind of die. Not sure if it's intentional but it kills my run sometimes

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, there are 2 pretty bad bugs currently.

The car can spin out, which of course is a good thing. A skilled player can most of the time feel it coming and fight against it, but it does seem to sometimes happen for no good reason.

Also, sometimes, though thankfully VERY rarely, the game just decides it's time you stopped playing and gives you a game over even though you're going fast enough. lol

Yeah I can fight against it sometimes, it just feels random, at least with this level of experience it feels random when it happens


Thanks! :)

Alkoholi + CTR on aina hyvä idea. :P