Congratz. :)
I officially grant you the "Better than the developers"- award.
Yeah, there are 2 pretty bad bugs currently.
The car can spin out, which of course is a good thing. A skilled player can most of the time feel it coming and fight against it, but it does seem to sometimes happen for no good reason.
Also, sometimes, though thankfully VERY rarely, the game just decides it's time you stopped playing and gives you a game over even though you're going fast enough. lol
That positional audio thing with the guns is interesting.
This game could use some separate volume sliders. I felt like the SFX was too loud as compared to the music. Speaking of music, that doesn't seem to loop. It just ended.
Difficulty curve is too slow.
Overall it's functional and fairly alright, which is pretty good for a gamejam game. :)
Took me a while to get out of the cell at the beginning.
Jumping on those falling platforms is kinda hard. The time window is very narrow.
Also, whatever trigger kills the player when dropping in a hole seems to only work once. So if you drop in the same hole a second time you get stuck and need to restart the game.
Anyways, vitun hyvä peli 6/5
The spacebar mechanic is intentionally simple. We were going for a sort of arcade-y feel for the controls. Though I would agree that at the very least deciding the direction of the first jump really should be up to the player and it's currently not. That mechanic takes inspiration quite heavily from Crash Team Racing where you would almost constantly be drifting as that helps you gain speed. Well in this game you can do nothing, BUT drfit and that's the point.
Anyways, thanks for the feedback. :)
Just use the gas sparingly and fight against the drift by turning.
It takes a little getting used to.
I can usually go for quite a while before dropping. Though I guess I have an advantage having made the damn thing lol.
Thanks for the feedback. If we update the game we'll look into making it easier to control. ;)