I was planning to make this pack one of my premium fonts -- they are $2 price but with a lot of extra features -- since it is quite unique among my fonts.
I'll see about adding what you asked for when I get around to doing that!
I ran into wishing this had L/R stick input again. I love this font, and being a font means I can inline in into NPC conversation REALLY easy, but I keep having to swap to your sprite sheets for controller inputs which looks really jaring and harder to inline.
I don't know if I really have room to cram in a thumbstick labled with L & R for all directions, but I'll see what I can do about making one that is static (or at least pressed and unpressed).
Okay! L & R stick are added for both joystick and arcade sticks. They are in the "Extra" variation of the font, please read the "Key-Mappings.txt" for info on how to use these new glpyhs.
I'm still considering adding directional variations, but for now it is just unpressed and pressed.