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I share at least the first frustration with you, and while I don't understand what you're trying to get at with the second one, I appreciate that you're trying to share your concerns regardless.

We fell more than a bit flat in all honesty and it's totally on us. Thanks for pointing some of it out! I understand that you don't know if we're aware of those issues and that when reviewing something you should point out what's wrong regardless of any internal reasons, since those challenges can and should be overcome!

However, I do want to ask you to keep the snarky remarks to yourself when reviewing submissions you think are not very good, while I do invite you to share your thoughts on them even if they're not positive. 

Anyways, thanks for playing and writing! :')

Oh, srpent! I'm so sorry! I was completely joking.

Just a riff off of how so many people hate writing assembly. I thought that was a pretty standard jest of assembly. I'll delete my comment, if that sounds good.