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Good morning Jammy Jammers!

I've got some stuff to do today so I'll be running behind on development but during the night I was thinking about my plan to include a PDF with the game that'll explain the events and story as you progress. I still like the idea of playing with the old old OLD CRPG story telling format but I think for this game it would just introduce a barrier for entry which would put people off giving the game a try. I'm thinking of baking the stuff into the game it's self instead.

I'm still trying to nail down how I want the ending to play out, this isn't intended to be a horror game, but I feel a dramatic (not jump scare) and ominous ending would fit the mystery of the weird return of life to this part of the ocean (so not going for an Iron Lung style ending). Maybe not something scary, maybe just something other worldly and very concerning for a human to stumble across due to the implications. That or I'll end up doing the Evolution idea of a meteor with accelerated life on it?