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Good evening!

So today was a busy one with life so here are some basic concept doodles I did for this project;

(excuse the spelling errors, no spell check when you're just doodling down text!)

That being said I did find some time this evening to add more to the game. I've cleaned up the mapping so it looks more uniform, got collision working, added little nodes that blink and stop blinking when you move over them, got some plant and fishy life sprites (super basic) into the game (with simple 2-3 frame animations to make the screen less static), and also fixed an issue where the Chromatic Aberration would just break sometimes. 

There are some hiccups in the mapping which is my fault for not spotting them but I've since gone back and fixed up all the walls. This is supposed to be a UI readout of the area rather than an actual visual of it, so all the rocky sides of the trench look smooth as the "system" is using approximations.

Tomorrows big goal will be to get a basic UI in the game for when your sub hits a node. This will be interesting as it's an area of Pixel Game Maker MV I've never touched on in the past but good ol' Baz has a tutorial for it so hopefully it'll go smoothly and I'll come away having learnt something new and useful for future projects!

Oh one final thing. Due to tinnitus I MUST have music playing when I work or I can't focus at all, so, what is everyone else listening too? I'm always open to new music to stick on while I work so let me know in a reply! Currently as a key inspiration for this game I've been listening to the beautiful In Other Waters OST as well as the relaxing vibes of the Sable OST :-)

The first iteration of the map has more character to it. I plan to add a lot more green and blue icons as you travel deeper to show you're getting closer to the origin of the cause of life in the area. I need to design a lot more sprites for these to keep it from looking too repetitive though.