Afternoon you lovely peeps!
So I've been banging my head on the wall trying to get the display text and display image to behave as Pixel Game Maker MV doesn't offer a 'centre to screen' option, so I finally setup a very messy process where when a trigger is switched it locks the Drone and draws the text and image on top of that but offset so it looks like it's appearing in the centre of the screen no matter where I hit the triggers object from. It's been messy but now I've got it working with one node it'll easily be a copy job for all the others.
As you may notice the screen now has a border too, this is to (on top of the Chromatic Aberration) make more clear that you're not some magical third person camera floating above a sub, but actually someone at a computer controlling a drone based on information feedback from it's sensors.
I also created a robot voice which reads out the text on screen but due to my OBS deciding it can't record desktop audio anymore (no idea why) I wasn't able to capture it just yet.
I must say getting to a point where although I'm clueless, I am comfortable with the basics of a tool meaning I can poke at stuff and jerry-rig bits together to work is super satisfying!