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I wasn't able to see the update yesterday as the Patreon page wouldn't load on my phone, so I have no idea if what is posted below is accurate or another perversion of sorts by everyone in the comments.


That’s because your phone is smarter than you, and it knows not to waste it’s time on Stencilbits' worthless posts.  Good job.  You got outsmarted by a robot.


You people are so disgraceful with these comments.  Have you some breaking news of some kind or just commenting just to be trolling?


Post was to OP, not you.  But how nice of you to stroll along and call people names, after whining about name calling after calling people names a few days ago.  Now that you have been noticed for today and gotten attention, go away.

Here is some breaking news, it's been nearly 4 years since the last story update for this game and people are bored with the excuses.

Why are people being so disgraceful with these comments?

Because the dev has the worst work ethic among adult devs. When you make Gumdrop and Icstor look like hard workers you know you have fucked up.

You are aware that he pauses payments and doesn't take any money each month and hasn't for whole time the game has been on hiatus, correct?

Pausing payments is no excuse for gutter tier work ethic. The fact he pauses payments is the only thing stopping him being put at the same level of Icstor and Gumdrop. That and he really has no choice but to pause payments. We're coming up to the 4th year of excuses, lies and outright laziness so if he was charging for this his reputation, what's left of it, would be shot.


Are you having withdrawals after missing just one post?  Sheesh.

Not like you actually missed anything.  Just scroll back and read the last 36 months worth of posts.  It'll tell you the exact same thing.

Pro tip: You can also use this trick for any future posts you may miss.