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Evening Update!

Ok so I'm hoping to get more done tonight but in case I fall asleep early or something here's a mid Evening post :)

I spent today making the last few corrupted images the drone will send back when you touch a normal Node. There are 12 interactions in the game as I want to keep it short, the "gameplay" is so simple and the scope is so limited I think although I could put in a bunch more nodes and a bigger map, players would quickly get bored. Plus these are here for set dressing and world building for the real underlying events of the game!

(anyone wondering, yes this is a reference to the Eel in Mario 64, I still hate that guy!)

So up next is getting corruption nodes fully working. They work a little different from normal nodes as these ones have a linear "narrative" to them meaning I'm going to use values to track how many you've collected so the correct transmission plays even if you collect them out of order (and to avoid having a spoiler'y ending one pop up if it's the ONLY corrupted node you collected!).

That's it for now - not a gripping update, mostly behind the scenes work. Hopefully have something more chunky soon! <3

are you from Europe?

Yeah, the UK, Wales :)