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Whoops! Dozed off last night before posting an update!

Progress made;

1. All voice lines are now attached to their nodes (including corrupted)
2. Corrupted nodes have been moved around to give a little more flow to things, also although not always on the most direct route they're less hidden.
3. Fixed a few text clipping issues

Todays work;

1. Create intro
2. Create outro

These will no doubt take more than a single day to complete as they require me build basic animations (and although I studied animation at University I've got a hatred for animating ever since XD). Once they're done though my hope is to add some kind of effects to the game when corrupted nodes are picked up as well as maybe some particles behind the Sub Drone (Bug01) as it moves to make the game feel less static :)

Also I need a better name for this game. "Life in the Sea" was very much a working title and the more the game develops the less the name fits, so gotta get my thinking cap on for that too!