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Yeah, in retrospect regarding controls, I should have allowed an option to modify how much your mouse movement corresponds to player movement (like a dpi modifier for the game that you could edit). Having some sort of indicator for the center of the map may have helped a lot too to avoid the getting lost or ending up sticking to a wall as I saw some people doing, which is pretty important to communicate since getting lost is not part of the experience and takes mental load away from dodging, also it'd be pretty good to show the center since hugging the walls is not how you dodge or do damage for the majority of the fight and not knowing where the center is makes not doing that harder.

I think one of the main problems is I was basing these controls off a previous bullet hell I had played and as such was already familiar with the control scheme more than the average player and found it personally more natural than keyboard or controller. Anyway, I ended up balancing things around what I was consistently able to perfect which uh, turned out to be WAAAAY TOO FUCKING HARD for most people. Its not like I didnt play test the hell out of a lot of the patterns, its just that my pool of play testers was just basically just me which was a big mistake. Now, I would like to use a similar control scheme in the future for something, but it's quite clear that I should dial back on a few things, clearing up positioning a bit better, communicate some things better, and at the very least include a lower difficulty version of the fight so more people can actually finish the game. It was a mix of bad choices that I didnt catch since it didnt effect me as much as others and a disregard for accessibility that I didnt realize was as needed as it was.