"Relaxing winter day"? It's interesting, but it feels more like psychological experiment than a relaxing day. The way there is no background, I get the same feeling as when looking out of a train at another train leaving the station: "is it me or the bullets moving?". Every time I move in this game, I get this feeling. It doesn't help that the mouse controls are weird. To move at a constant, velocity high enough to actually pass through the lanes of bullets, I have to rapidly jerk my mouse all over my mouse pad to try to move it ever further away, and if I fail, I still get the illusion of movement since there is no fixed reference. Even the animation of the borders of the arena give me the illusion that I'm moving when I'm not. The way Daiyousei is always at the center of the screen probably adds to it as well. Why is it even mouse controlled? There is nothing here that requires mouse controls. It really feels more like a psychological experiment than a normal jam game at this point, because everything I can think of to mess with people's sense of movement, you did.
It's interesting, though. I've never experienced anything like it. I could see this getting passed around as a way to see how people react to not having any fixed references while dodging.
I somehow managed to almost beat it once (or I think I did, the pattern seemed like a suitable climax), but I was never able to consistently skip between lanes after that one time. The patterns are pretty cool. The intro is beautiful, too. How am I even supposed to rate this game? As an experiment, it's brilliant, but if you intended for this to be a normal game, the visuals and controls are really interfering with my ability to enjoy it as such.
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