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I really like how "anime" this game feels like. Got to floor 21 then got caught in a trap inside a room full of swords. The desert boss was very Zelda-like, and I'm surprised at how long the game seems to be. My only issue is that it seems the main ability (dash) deals too little damage, so a lot of time is spent making the same yo-yo movement back and forth until the enemies die.

I was intrigued by the different floors/themes and kept going. Eventually I got a lot of HP regen and that relic to prevent stun when exploding, so I was exploding a lot and dashing to evade and recover. Enemies were still kinda tough but better. I found the bosses' hp fairer, and their movesets were cool. 

Just out of curiosity, how many floors are there?
Great work!

25! You were almost there! Also, if you found the enemies a bit tough, clearing the game once unlocks a game mode that lets you take in more damage, but gives a fair boost to attack and HP. Might have more fun playing in that mode, in any case, thanks a lot for the feedback and playing!