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I have finished the game! You can play it here.

I really had fun developing Helmet Point. It is my first platformer, and it was very fun to learn to pragram all the different mechanics in the game, such as gravity and the dashing. I will continue to make games. Helmet Point was my second major game I have created, the first being a roguelike. A platformer is very different than a roguelike, so it was a new and fun experience.

Have fun playing!


I honestly hope you come back to Helmet Point one day in the future! :D The game feel is super nice, makes me think of Wario Land with the charge but way smoother! I'd honestly pay money for a full Helmet Point game!


Thanks, that makes me really happy. I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

i love your project. i'm hope of a  suite of the game and thank you.