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After playing, I got the sense that this is a mostly unchanged UFE3D starting game template. Will you please share what you added/changed to create this?


Sure! I did start out with the UFE3D template to use as a base but made a lot of changes to create this game. There is a lot so bear with me.

-I took the Robot Kyle moves and animations and repurposed them for the main character Ren.  The original animations were fit for that Robot Kyle character so I repurposed it to fit the chibi-style character that I designed especially for this game using VRoid Studio. I also had to figure out how to scale the hands and feet accordingly for each animation. I made the throw animations myself too and that was quite challenging.

-I also designed the Venus De Milo statue character. Her moves and animations are all originally made by myself.

-I ran out of time making the moves for the robot and the ant so they are incomplete characters, but like the main character, I repurposed the moves and animations to fit the character. The models are free assets from the asset store.

-The gallery stage was designed from scratch with an original background.

-For the GUI options I at least changed the background image and the fonts for now but I would have liked to create original ones in the future.

-I looked for free sound and music assets to replace this game.