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(3 edits) (+4)(-3)

Look, this game is good.  It's fun, quirky and fairly well made.  However it sure as fuck is not worth 25 dollars PER episode lol.  I respect the work you put into this, but what kinda drugs are you on that you expect ppl to pay 25 dollars for every new update on here.

You can buy fully animated, fully voiced and better developed games for less than this on steam.  This is easily one of the most pricey VN's on this site, and that's per episode.  

I have no problems paying to support a dev when I feel it's worth it, but not when they appear so greedy.  I'll stick to the free version lol

I normally try to remain respectful, but man, You're smoking crack if you think that's a fair price.


The version name always consists of several numbers and a letter, for example 0.2.1B.

The letter means the type of the release:  “A” - alpha, “B” - beta. 

“Alpha” versions are available to 20$+ patrons (or 25$ on itch). “Beta” version are available to 5$+ patrons (or 10$ on itch), but later they are released to public access with the next alpha release. Each build includes the content of all the previous ones. The average time between releases is usually 2-3 months.

Each major version is released in cycles, alpha for 20$+, then beta for 5$+, then alpha for 20$+ and beta with fixes and adjustments for public, then beta for 5$+, etc. 20$+ patrons get all the versions, 5$+ patrons get every second version, everyone else gets every third version. Each consequent version is built on top of the previous one and includes all previous content.

If the number of the version consists of three numbers, i.e. 0.2.1B, then the third number means that it's the hotfix for the original version in this release cycle (0.2B -> 0.2.1B -> 0.2.2B etc). If you not agree with that, you can ask for a refund, write to support

There is always free version of the game, you dont need to support us, if you dont want

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well spoken fr

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I paid once month ago and can download the latest version. Make sure you didn't buy it at a discount because for some reason that doesn't count if the game is updated and you only get the version that matches your paid discounted price


I mean you do not have to buy it, right? Just play the public one and you're good. And if by chance you want to look ahead, you can pay. I think it's a fair model. Game does not develop itself ;)

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You literally don't have to pay 25$ per episode my guy. Just pick the option "I already paid for this" during download and put in your email you initially bought the game with and all the links will be sent to you for download. Don't let your need to nut cloud  your judgement and reasoning