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Love the atmosphere in the game , both idea, music and graphics are great!

If i should comment on anything, it would be to work on the character controls.
There are a lot of good tutorials on improving 2d platfomer controls out there.
For example  being able to control the height of a jump by letting go of the jump button is a great start.

Also i would like to get a hint on when to press jump on the mushroom. A sound or graphics countdown or something. 

Thanks for your feedback!

Mushroom works by it is own) you just need to be on top of it when it grown and *POOF* you pushed in the air)

I intentionally dint use "hold to jump higher" mechanic because i'm afraid of overwhelming player. I already have two kinds of "reach higher ground" mechanics (mushroom and pumpkin) and decided - it will be enough for this project) But it definitely a ground for further work on gameplay.

i'm glad you like to play it)