Ok! This is definitely one of the best ones I've played so far. I remembered this one from the discord channel, because of 2.5 graphics. So, lets get to my random thoughts!
Loved the art style, loved the music! No notes here :)
Bosses were great! Every single one was distinct, every one had readable attacks. It took me several tries to beat them, so difficulty felt perfect for me.
Hey! We both had bodubuilder bosses with spinny attacks! Cool!
If I had to nitpick- just three things:
I guess you could've went harder on the theme- makeshiftness (real word, you don't need to check) is more thematic than gameplay based.
The game ended too suddenly- some "You won" screen would be nice!
The first bosses' lines were funny enough for me to chuckle loud enough to wake my daughter up, so I had to stop playing and go to her.
Over all, again, one of my favorites so far.
Keep up the good work!