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Cool CRT aesthetic, also- maybe it's because there's not many of them, but any submissions with some narrative tickle me in the right way!

As for the gameplay- I could see some ways it could be improved. The second boss was kind of confusing to me at first. I thought it was a glitch when he teleported, but turns out that's how he rolls! Maybe some sound or particle effects could be there to accentuate that. Also I didn't get past him as of writing this :(

Two more things I liked- I like when bosses have minions and yours do! Also, you took the makeshift theme pretty seriously, so that's cool.   


Hi! Thanks for the feedback! Because there are still 2 hours left of the game jam, I added a little teleport animation for the cardboarrd guy. Here's some advice on beating the second boss:

  1. Take out his minions one at a time with the rocket launcher, making sure to not lose much health at the start of the battle
  2. Use the machine gun to hit away his bullets and shoot the boss, trying to corner him to deal more damage before he teleports.
  3. Make sure to always have gold on hand to reload before you run out of ammo. If you do run out of ammo, you could temporarily switch to your rocket launcher, but the machine gun has a higher damage rate and is better at blocking the enemy's cardboard.
  4. Never give up...