Thanks for playing! The bug you mentioned, yeah, it's a bit of an edge case and it was not something I ran into when I played through the game (this was years ago of course), but clearly it is a thing that is there. My apologies! The whole issue with not having characters follow you on screen is because this engine is very old and that feature didn't exist for it at the time (I still don't think it does!)
I can confirm the mentioned bug: For me it happens almost everytime I use the "see"-option with the Aleph. If I change location after doing that, I get stranded in a mountainous region where I can't move, only leave the screen - to end in another mountainous region without a possibility to move. When I load an earlier savegame, it tends to crash first, after the second attempt it works again. It seems to happen only if I use the "see"-opiton.