Hello all,
I have never constructed a language and am sadly mono-linguistic save for a few smatterings of words and phrases in a handful of languages. My interest in con-languages springs from wanting to design a game that relies heavily on language as both plot point and mechanic. I am very much inspired by comic book writers such as Alan Moores's Aklo (Cthulu mythos stuff), or John Dee's Enochian (language of angels) which Grant Morrison heavily references in Nameless. I want to create a language with specific vocabulary and features to suit a world of time-travelers and mind-swappers, and mutiple realities; that is itself considered a danger and something to be quarantined, and an easy allegory for both drugs and venereal disease, as well as devestation of identity.
It's a lofty goal considering my inexperience with actual language construction. I've mostly been playing with letter forms which I have been trying to match up with vocabulary elements, I would love to have corresponding sounds, though I view that as an even more daunting task. I'm hoping a jam like this might be just the thing to help me cement some ideas into usable material and I look forward to seeing all of your projects and hopefully learning a bit along the way.