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A topic by John R. Harness created Mar 30, 2019 Views: 545 Replies: 8
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Hi everyone! Very excited about this jam! I feel like it is a really niche space at the intersection of two of my great loves: conlangs and game jams. So, it's exciting to have a chance to meet other people with those interests!

I'm John, I am a tabletop roleplaying game designer and arts professional. I have dabbled in conlangs for a long time, and can hold basic conversations in toki pona and Esperanto. I am an advanced Klingon speaker--this year I hope to pass the third level Klingon certification exam through the Klingon Language Institute!

Any questions or qualms about starting a conlang project? Maybe I can give some advice, or others can chime in! Let's make this an opportunity to have a great time creating conlangs! Introduce yourselves!


Hi, John and everyone! Thank you for starting this thread! And welcome aboard - I'm happy you're excited! And I'm happy we have another experienced soul with us~

A little about myself: As you've guessed, my name is Florence, and I am officially the one hosting the jam (although the title of host doesn't hold any real weight for me). I am a conlanger with many years behind me (6 or 7 maybe?) and it was the catalyst for my general interest in linguistics. I'm not the best at sticking to one project, so that is partly why I made this jam! I think many conlangers share this issue which is why I wanted to extend a motivting hand to any interested paties. I am not fluent nor conversationally able in any conlang - my interest lies more in having my fictional peoples speak and write the conlangs I make. 

As I've written on the jam page, do ask any questions you might have (about the jam or conlanging in general) and if I can't answer - maybe someone else can or we'll figure it out together!

Cheers, Florence

Hi there!

Just call me Kokoro. I have been working on my own conlang for a fantasy world I've been developing for many years now. Weirdly enough, what gave me the ability to write a conlang was when I began taking Japanese 101 & 102 in college, and to learn the conjugation rules of another language helped me understand language and I was able to find a structure to form mine with, so it often has the verb at the end like Japanese since it made the most sense to me when creating another language. I also drew inspiration from the nonsense chants from Yuki Kajiura's compositions, often known as "Kajirago" which literally has no meaning but sounds consistent. I one time wrote song lyrics in simple Japanese and my conlang, and someone actually thought my language was a real language at first haha! I have created a dictionary for this language that keeps growing, with many useful words, examples how to use them, and even conjugation rules and tenses. I wanted the world to feel really rich, so aside from its culture and history, I felt the language really enriched the world. 

I have also constructed a mini conlang for an RPG I am working on. Despite it being a comedic RPG, I constructed a little language similar to my main conlang, but somewhat simplified and still different. You only hear it spoken at some parts, but I made it on the spot with remembering certain words to be repeated for translation, and I even wrote song lyrics for the end of the game in that conlang. This is how much I love conlang, so I know making one for a jam might not be as hard as one would think. 

Anyway I am excited to see the languages people come up with! And I hope I have something worthy to show for it. Whilst the conlang I know is said doesn't have to be perfect, I doubt I can beat my ongoing conlang that I pour my heart into, but I hope I come up with something pleasant sounding~

Hi all! I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing your work.  What I love most about conlangs is the mathematics,  playing around with the number of phonemes used and the grammatical rules in order to create a tongue that is efficient as well as maximally expressive. My first game on itch, 'Restore the Crown,' is actually about deciphering a conlang I made with a small alphabet.  In real life have had the luck to live in some very interesting places language-wise. I know a little Cree and more Dzongkha.

(1 edit)

Hello all,

 I have never constructed a language and am sadly mono-linguistic save for a few smatterings of words and phrases in a handful of languages. My interest in con-languages springs from wanting to design a game that relies heavily on language as both plot point and mechanic. I am very much inspired by comic book writers such as Alan Moores's Aklo (Cthulu mythos stuff), or John Dee's Enochian (language of angels) which  Grant Morrison heavily references in Nameless.  I want to create a language with specific vocabulary and features to suit a world of time-travelers and mind-swappers, and mutiple realities; that is itself considered a danger and something to be quarantined,  and an easy allegory for both drugs and  venereal disease, as well as devestation of identity.  

It's a lofty goal considering my inexperience with actual language construction. I've mostly been playing with letter forms which I have been trying to match up with vocabulary elements, I would love to have corresponding sounds, though I view that as an even more daunting  task.  I'm hoping a jam like this might be just the thing to help me cement some ideas into usable  material and I look forward to seeing all of your projects and hopefully learning a bit along the way.

I'm jumping in a little late, but by pure coincidence, I started a short conlang sketch a few days ago, and might just expand on that, as it fits the criteria.

Also, hey folks! I'm Ben Scerri (@Ben_Scerri on Twitter), a Maltese Australian game designer. I've been conlanging on and off for about 15 years now, but tend to only go so far with any one language before I move on to try something else. I'm currently travelling (in Malta for the first time, and loving it), so am really inspired to keep going with my lang.

Lovely to meet you all, and excited to read/hear your works!


I saw John make a post about this on Facebook, and I'm interested in joining but it seems like it has already started. Is it okay to join at any time during the event?


Yes, sure!

Hello! I know I'm definitely too late to produce anything substantial by the end of the jam, but just knowing this exists and people are doing this is really inspiring <3