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Hello again, and thank you so very much for the insight! :D

This hopefully doesn't need to be mentioned, but it's of course absolutely okay~ It makes me a bit sad to hear Lee's games don't do as well because I've had a fantastic time with them both, but I sure hope that means the rest of your games (which I have yet to play, so that's one thing to look forward to) are simply very well-loved! And it only makes sense to focus on what people are demanding the most. Though I am glad to have given some love to the underdog!

Still, please don't worry about it. I'm just glad to hear it's something you are still planning to do, so I'm more than happy to wait for it! That will give me time to forget about the plot and play it again as if it were (almost) brand new to me. It's the one perk of having bad memory, hahaha. So, by all means, focus on the big project and come back to this later, and stronger than ever.

Oh, and I am a dirty Spaniard, so the fact that the game is in Spain's Spanish at is totally fine by me, hehe. :) I have seen the porting was handled by people who I am familiar with, and they have historically not been... super great at translating in the games I've seen/worked on, but I guess it all depends on whom they hired in your case. I work with Nami as a translator and one of our latest projects was to fully retranslate Syrup 1 because it was handled by those people and the result was kinda eh, although that was a bit of a special case since it was a fan translation that had supposedly been revised by them instead of made from the ground up. I hope they did a better job with Lee, at least! Which reminds me, should you ever want to have it rechecked, I'd love to lend a hand (for free, so don't worry about the thousands of dollars XD) As a fellow small dev, I'm always happy to help people in any way I can, and as a language nerd, it's great to know there's one more good localization out there in the world~

Still, it's very kind of you to think of the LATAM market as well! I know for a fact that many people in Latin America actually prefer Spain's translations because LATAM Spanish isn't really A Thing (every country's way of speaking is radically different, as you can probably imagine, and you can't really make one version that works for everybody!), but, needless to say, there are many people over there who of course love having games in a Spanish that they're used to, so I think it's always worth it to have both available.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me! Have a beautiful day, and best of luck with your projects!!


Hello! So sorry for my late reply, but I'd super love to be in contact with you on future stuff!!! What e-mail can I reach you by? :D

Deleted 1 year ago

I just e-mailed you! Because, as it turns out, I actually need a translation for this game like right now!!! :D_b

Do you need a translator for german? :)

the game already has German listed as a language it has lol thanks tho