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As somebody else already said, the click sound is great. I liked the ability to "squeeze" the cursor to fit through tighter spaces.

The enemies were challenging to see sometimes as they spawned and floated over the platforms to get at me. I feel like you could also reduce the angle of attack so there's more opportunity for players to hit them before they're able to approach you. Since they fly in at a high angle, it's difficult to get a bead on them since the space is narrow to navigate. 

Overall really like this submission and think it's an impressive solo entry!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback!! It's hard to find that balance of enemy difficulty isn't it!!

I'll look at adjusting the space between the spawn points on the second level as you said it means you have to be right up the back to shoot them around the middle of the play space making it pretty intense hahaha

Thank you again for your kind words!!