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I know that the theme being applied here is the death mechanic, in which you get to keep the abilities post-mortem. Still, it is possible to finish the game without dying. I think what could be done here is to increase the number of enemies per room or just their durability (since there are enemies who spread bullets). The life could also be decreased so that the player has the risk of dying immediately if they move carelessly.

The camera shake and CRT/screen effect compliments the visuals. The SFX makes it feel like an arcade game so it is a nice touch to it.

I believe that the game could be expanded more with other variety of enemies, room layouts, and upgrades. Good job with the entry!

Thanks! I think your right about the difficulty level. I tried to make it easier because its a game jam and I want everyone to be able to fully experience it but I ended up making it to easy.