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Loved it! From audio to visuals, your polish was top-notch across the board. I really liked how the car SFX faded in as I got near the road and cars beeped when I got too close. The whole environment felt very immersive. Polish aside, the game was fun and just challenging enough to make me feel smart when I solved a section. Only small thing I'd recommend is making the "target" object's outline slightly more visible.. unless your goal was to hide them? Probably just me, but I spent far too long destroying that poor guy's monitors wondering why he wasn't reacting haha. Overall, fantastic entry all around!


Thank you so much Tutmo! I'm glad you enjoyed it and noticed the little sound details :) Haha that's interesting I was actually debating whether to remove the outlines completely because they might make the game too easy but I guess they may be necessery after all! I guess it would make sense for ludwig to get up when coots is destroying his monitor lol.

Please can you put WalterWalnut in itch too because I can't access it on steam please

Please can you put WalterWalnut in itch too because I can't access it on steam please