played it through to the end. the visuals, atmosphere, humor , plot and design are all very unique
what i thought was lacking was the combat, how linear the game was, and the dragging-concrete-sound on repeat.
what i mean by the combat and linearity is that i'm almost certain everyone experienced the game in the same way as i had, since the plot is 100% linear and combat doesn't offer enough to warrant not using the normal attack. a simple start to remedy this would be to include moves or combat statuses that encourage the usage of different skills or tactics. what about a battle where you face a spider and a frog, for example. maybe the enemies have a strong combination move, something like web -> punch, where web slows you and punches are deadlier that way, which would encourage the player to use dodges or something like that.
either way, these complains pale to how charming the game is overall. it is fine for a game to have a weaker combat if the aesthetics are as strong as yours.
i look forward to seeing more of this. keep up the good work