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A member registered Aug 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Is there a way to save and I just missed it?

There's a pearl that you can save at, but you wouldn't have seen it at the point you were in.

No save after starting the game? 

Good point, that intro cutscene is long. I'll change it so that it saves after you get out of the hole. I also had a continue system that restarts you in the same room if you die, I just never finished implementing it, but I'll get to it.

Fights seem unfair if its just up to luck if you die or not

Yeah they're really RNG dependent right now. I tried balancing the level so that you just barely survive, but if enemies crit or you miss too often that goes out the window. I'm working on changing the first level right now. Giving you a heal ability at the start, starting you off with some more moves, stuff like that to make it easier and less linear.

Thanks, these are some great suggestions. The dust particles especially, I never even thought of that.

Pressing the settings button in the main menu does nothing, I'm not sure if this is a bug or you just don't have it implemented yet.

I used my mouse and keyboard to play, so take that into account. If it's a game that's intended to be played with controller a lot of my complaints could be invalid and the game might feel a lot better with controller.

The smoothing on the camera turn felt odd, an option to turn off smoothing would be appreciated. Got used to it eventually.

Camera also felt very limiting, especially for a game where looking ahead to sneak is important, an OoT style camera would feel nice in this game, but I also got used to it as I played more so it's not a required change.

The scroll up toggling the more zoomed in camera was nice to get a good view of things.

Z for jump feels odd, and sometimes when landing she wouldn't stumble. After playing some more I'm getting the impression that I wasn't supposed to find out Z jumps though.

When talking to the chest in the level, he changes your camera angle to look at the soldier, it does not change back. That being said the angle he forces on you feels a lot more pleasing. It puts the main character more at the bottom of the screen and gives you a much better view of what's in front of you. If the camera was always like this I wouldn't have any problems with it.

Might want the collisions on the stairs to be a smooth slope so the character doesn't snap up like that.

Had to restart game because a slime took my bag, and then the knife I took from the kitchen disappeared after I killed one slime. I assume it just broke, but having no knife left me with no bag.

Stole the rogue's dagger easily because he doesn't kick you when you first go to talk to him.

When you're too close to the rogue he won't take stuff from you. If you talk to him while holding an item he should take it from you there, instead of just once you enter a collision space like it seems to be doing.

Sometimes held items would fly far away when dropped. Lost the sword I stole and the Box in the sewers cause of this.

At one point my bag turned invisible, I could still pick it up and use it though, but I just couldn't see it.

I have no idea what caused this but at one point the sewer gate stayed open, I then stood on it and left, and it went back to closing and opening again.

I tried using the gold key on the gold lock and nothing happened. Ran around the castle and tried it again, and then it finally worked.

Choosing what you can take out of the bag when you hold down the key would be nice.

Killed a slime as it picked up my bag, died with my bag inside and never dropped it.

Walking around inside with the staff seemed to cause some lighting issue, that didn't go away even when the chest was fed the staff.

The game has lots of potential though. Very cute, nice sound effects where you have them. Nice gameplay. Great character design. Just very buggy for now.

For download version pressing options closes the game, web version worked fine.

In web version one time the screen had a white overlay that never went away when I walked halfway through entrance room of the main area.

The main area, i feel, should be split into smaller areas so that it's more satisfying to clear, and also so you don't struggle trying to find any stray fujos you might have missed.

The main gun might be more fun if the bullets have a small amount of spread, starting at 0 spread when you pull the trigger and it slowly increasing. It would also help in killing fujos who aren't only in the direction you're facing, but not too much spread that you start to miss fujos too much.

If the main area isn't split consider adding indicators at the edge of the screens showing where remaining fujos are.

Sometimes they go towards the room entrances and it's hard to see them.

"A man went for drinks, and he one too many bottles."

He what with the bottles? The sentence is incomplete.

Not sure if the Spanish is on purpose or you forgot to translate it.

Crab, despite being paralyzed, attacked me with his pincer.

[Enemy] is poison makes no sense, it would be [Enemy] is poisoned. You wrote [Enemy] es veneno.

You have a good variety of enemies, they have really nice designs too.

A good variation of attacks as well, Fist of the West star feels fun when used.

Crotch kick seems overpowered. Every enemy I used it on was always immobilized and never got out of it, using it on the boss assured that he never got a chance to hit me back, though I might've just gotten lucky.

The good enemy design and attacks made it fun, can't wait to see it expanded on with more levels.

You probably shouldn't upload as an installer exe though. People are going to get suspicious and in most cases won't download your game thinking it's a virus.

Thanks, and yeah I hate that sound too, I need to find a replacement

Great Intro. I just don't know why the Crow is so tiny or flying under the Grass.

Thanks. Crow is tiny because I wanted him to fit the screen view that you usually see. Even though logically he'd be bigger it would be harder to show what he's doing in a comprehensible way while taking up 2/3rds of the screen. I also don't want to rerender him. The grass I hope I'll change eventually to leaves and branches if i remember to. He was supposed to be going through a bush or under a tree, but it really does look like he's just going under grass like you mentioned.

the Font just seems poorly handdrawn in Paint. 

Close. It was poorly drawn with a mouse in Aseprite. When the lines looked too clean I messed them up on purpose.

The Enemies being Purple/Black on Black background makes them very hard to see.

I keep getting this complaint. I didn't want to change it but i guess I'll have to now.

Interaction works, and its nice that you move in Place to place it correctly when you're roughly there, but I wouldn't have known what I was supposed to do without reading the Instructions. And I also knew from the Thread already. But with only the Instructions, I'd probably figure it out, seeing as the Symbol and Color is the same as for the Enemies.

I have some plan for teaching the player that you can pick things up, right now it really is too vague. Frog hands painted over objects do not make people think about grabbing like I thought it would.

I can't drop Stuff intermediately, or that it just Lerps in place tho. You have some nice simple Movement in the Intro, why not throw/place the Stuff into place properly, but just lazily lerp it?

It was just easier to. I can make it so the objects look more thrown than the current weird placement. For throwing everywhere I probably won't. I'll make it fizzle out and go back to it's original place at most, but if i place it anywhere then I have to worry about players throwing it out of bounds, or them placing it somewhere that logically you would be able to climb up to, but have them realize they can't because the ramps are just collisions, triggers, and sort values changing to give the illusion of verticality. If the game was actually 3D I would just do it how you want though cause that's what I originally wanted to do as well.

Stacking multiple giant Planks etc. feels weird. What if I stack them in the wrong Order?

Wouldn't matter. The objects you can pick up always go to the exact same y position above you no matter what order you pick them up in. I chose the Y value based on what would look natural no matter if you have it stacked or solo. It also doesn't matter in the placing, because the objects are placed by what is supposed to be where, not the order you picked them up in. It looks and gets placed down the exact same way no matter what order you decide to do things in. I agree that it might feel weird at times though, but I thought it was better to let you pick up multiple things at once than making players go back and forth a bunch of times.

I did not expect the Pearl to be a Safepoint, I was thinking it'd be some necessary Powerup. Also has no Feedback upon drinking or saving.

I'm planning on changing the pearl saves too. I see no reason to have a menu at all for it, so I'm thinking of making it so that when you interact with it the screen will flash white, it'll play some chimes, and you'll see text above you that mentioned the game was saved and health was restored.

You have some nice Animal Sounds.

Thanks, I took them from freesounds, there's about 2 hours of birds chirping.

"No music for the opening and most of the game feels weird, but I guess that it's part of the atmosphere."

that was just me not being able to learn piano on time, but hopefully next DD I'll have music.

"Some z-layer issue with the first interactable object, the frog moved under the purple indicator."

Thanks for informing me. I forgot to try walking on top of the ramp after making the holdable object mask.

"Jittery sound and movement when walking into walls."

That was me being lazy and having unmodified rigidbody collisions, but I'll fix it and make the player not try to walk against the walls.

"No menu? What does strength do, where can I see the current strength? What does bash do? What skills will I have in combat?"

Menu being worked on right now, that answers all of those questions.

"How can I save?"

The shiny rock that was under the bucket that the crow picked up.

"You probably should add a prompt or tutorial when picking up the first block, since most players refuse to read."

I want to try to not have any prompts other than menus and the upgrade prompts. I have an idea of how to guide the players into figuring out that you can pick things up, I'll try that out and if people are still confused next DD I'll give up and add a prompt.

"Early combat (or all combat in the non-DD level) is very bland - just slowly bashing - and might turn players off early (during the refund period if you'll publish on Steam) so be careful with that."

Yeah, I'm thinking of restructuring the entire first level to make it less bland, this is the most common piece of advice that I've been getting.

Thanks for the feedback. You're right the game starts out way too limiting and way too easy. I'll need to rethink how I want my first level to feel and what skills i want the player to start out with. Not having a way to heal off the bat is really limiting too, so that's probably the first thing i'll change.

You were supposed to pick up the ramp and move it to a ledge, I should've made it more clear in game, sorry.

Attack selection memory would be neat, so I don't have to scroll down to the attack I want every time.

I like the weird Madoka text being used for names, health, and all those things related to witches. I can see it being a feature that non-Madoka fans get annoyed at, but your audience is Madoka fans so there's no reason to bother changing it.

You being spotted because the enemies saw your party members is annoying, though i guess makes sense.

Can't move skills without having an extra skill in your menu. I was trying to put my strongest attack as the first default option.

Exp pills feel pretty useless, they don't give enough, and there's a level cap and abundant enemies in each level that almost guarantee that you'll end up at max level by the end anyways.

At maximum corset and max corset skill the corset savant effect would not unlock

Game felt too grindy and repetitive, and I don't really care for the erotic elements, especially Madoka with a dick, so I stopped playing after dungeon 3. with some balancing it could be more fun.

Game feels really good. Reminds me of Nuclear Throne but with a lot of great changes.

Feels fresh after all the simple and heavily randomized roguelites that exists.

The descriptions on level ups that actually give you proper detail on what you're investing in, the level ups are unique and varied, the weapons are fun to use, the portals have a cool effect to them.

Great game. Will be playing in my free time even after Demoday is over.

when you press D to open a message, if you keep pressing D while the text is open it'll queue up more text boxes that open up after you close the first one.

The save rooms were really nice and calming, i liked staying there.

I jumped on this one thing that seemed to mess up the pixel alignment. It went back to normal after i landed on the ground. Pic related.

Transforming stuff back and forth, seeing what they turn into, and all the special secrets it brings, is really fun.

I get the complexity in combat added by not being able to move when you attack, but the attack halting air momentum felt weird.

I got bouncer to low health, did not kill him, died, and next time I was in the room he was gone. I don't know if this was a bug or on purpose because he kept killing me.

The hats affecting movement collision feels dumb. There were parts like the computer room that I assumed were inaccessible, but it just turned out that my hats were blocking me. Didn't occur to me until much later. If you don't want players to use too many hats because it's OP then just put a hat limit.

Jumping on the bottom cogwheel platform while it moves left, shifts you to the left more than it's supposed to, knocking you off the platform.

Died to the eyeball's laser and the laser sound never went away.

The game was really enjoyable though, I liked the exploration, and the optional eyeball boss was fun.

This is definitely the biggest surprise I've gotten all DD, didn't expect to like it as much as I did, and you implemented your mechanics really well. Here are some issues I encountered though.

At one point two zombies became immobilized since they were colliding against each other and moving in opposite directions, meaning neither could move anywhere.

I paused to write my notes, and the game restarted, very sad. Would instinctively press escape to get out of the shop menu just to return to the start of the game by accident. Very very sad, but i played through it again even when i was far in because i found the game fun.

I like when the bullets return to you, looks nice.

At first i thought i couldn't hurt the enemies because i'd hit them with the unaccelerated bullets and nothing happened. Took me a while to realize you could kill anything.

The dangling bits left behind by the eyes are annoying. They should only stop you while the eyes are alive. After you kill the eye, the dangle should move around when you pass it, but you should be able to easily walk through it. Like a one sided collision. I stopped playing because i couldn't pass the left eye dangle in the room where there's two of them with coins in the middle.

Was near a door while its power cut off, causing the door to stay open permanently.

You do a really good job at getting simple graphics and making them look aesthetically pleasing. The sound design was great, and the UI felt good too. Mechanics so far feel solid, nothing feels off.  Looking forward to seeing how you implement all of this into a real game.

Also on your page where you list the controls you put that left click blocks, in game i noticed it was actually right click.

Yeah I just started hearing of it freezing and I'll have to figure out why, very concerning. It has  a health display but I adjusted it poorly and forgot to pivot it to the top left, so when you fullscreeen it's completely gone. I thought I quickly fixed this before publishing by forcing a 4:3 aspect on the game, but that didn't work out on WebGL. Definitely will be fixed by next submission.The fill with the boss attack was just cause he was the last thing I made, and I felt rushed so there's no special effects on his attacks yet. I was thinking more just normal turn based combat similar to Chrono Triggers with some minor puzzle/strategizing elements with the positioning system.  Next build I plan on having more ray implementation, so that if on the path of your attack there's something blocking you, it'll show you that you'll get stopped in place at collision. The idea here is two things, so you can't cheese bosses like this one by just hiding behind a rock the entire time, and so you can avoid swarms of enemies attacking you all at the same time, by positioning yourself out of their way, forcing the enemies to reposition themselves instead. 

I'm sorry about that experience. I haven't heard of anyone else freezing so now i'm curious why. I'll have to do some more testing to see if I can recreate something. The only thing I can think of is that if you touch the walls, my collisions are buggy so sometimes you'll clip through and get stuck in a wall if you touch it during a frame dip. I'll try to get whatever it was fixed before the next submission.

At first I didn't like the look of the enemies or the player, but it grew on me. The environment assets on the other hand looked fantastic to me from the start. The level was also designed nicely, and was fun to walk around and explore, finding all the little secrets.

Don't like readjusting my sensitivity every time I died though, but that's more my fault for dying so much.

The combat system you have is really cool, really good visualization for the turn system. With it stopping in place once it was someone's turn it also removed the stress of having to be quick to press buttons that comes with the ATB system. The start was way too dialogue heavy for my liking, but that doesn't mean it's bad, I just don't care to read about story before feeling invested with the game.

Yeah I thought you'd die really easily if the enemies didn't die instantly, since I had so many swarms of enemies. Instead of balancing I just made enemies die instantly, and turned the demo into more of a display of your abilities and how they work in relation to the clumped up enemies in different positions. I haven't seen that exploit before, that's pretty funny, I'll have to fix it before the next submission.

Thanks. I've noted it all down to have it fixed before the next submission.

Yeah the option to cancel attacks is gonna be essential, cause I've also ran into a bunch of cases where I regretted choosing an attack. At least it'll only be 2 lines at most. Balancing in general has been complicated for me cause I don't know what direction to go to, I never thought of AP though and that seems like it would be a cool mechanic. Would probably give more reason to select move instead of spin, if you could attack again after pressing move. Another one i've been thinking of would be to make you lose health when you use skills, like a replacement for not having MP in the game, but as of now I wasn't considering adding items either so it would be tough to survive unless I boost the heal, but then heal would also be OP.

Yeah the dance fucking up the positional attacks annoyed me during development too, I just didn't feel like bothering with it at the moment, but I'll definitely fix it before the next DD submission. The second phase of the boss can be bullshit. He's either too easy or too hard depending on what you do. I just stood perpendicular to the rocks in the bottom left corner, and that way there's a 66% chance he won't hit you next turn, and then I would just spam bash till he died. He needs a lot of work. I've never played Divinity so I'll check it out for some inspiration.

Thanks! Originally I was thinking of making the boss get tired after 3 attacks, leaving an opening for you, but now I'm thinking the best idea is just to give him more moves, and occasionally go into a phase of full room attacks like the ones he can do now. Your idea is nice too, and I might just mix it with an AP system like the other dude here suggested. You're also the only person I've seen so far that cheesed the boss the same way that I did, it seems everyone found a different way to break my boss, but I enjoy that.

I do not think i did. But i didn't close the game out myself if that's what you mean, if not tell me so i can go back and look for it

That was pretty entertaining