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  • I don't like the way the movement works. It's imprecise and doesn't feel like swimming. Acceleration and deceleration are both way too slow. You're not going to be able to dodge anything like this. W should move you in the direction you're facing.
  • Never bind an action to double tapping the movement keys.
  • The elemental abilities feel uninspired and unfitting for the theme. Why can you shoot fireballs underwater?

I think you should go for something closer to the original concept with several shrimp that have a few unique abilities each and a multiplayer focus. Also, melee attacks.

(1 edit)

Noted, especially regarding the double tap thing. I might make that chance now.
The goal was to make the Shrimp feel like a submarine, but I'll tweak the movement
As for the element stuff, that's staying
Also, melee attacks are in the utility abilities