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Hi. I’m sorry you experienced that. Would you be able to share a screenshot when that happens? It would help me a lot to track this. (You can just take a photo with your phone, I just want to see what the grid is like when that happens.)

Yeah, so I just played this game. And then the Game Over screen appears before I can finish the game. You can see in later pics that I can continue until I finally got to the true ending!

Thank you very much for these helpful screenshots. I'm keeping track on this on GitHub to try to figure it out. I'll let you know here as soon as I fix this.

Hey there! I've pushed a new version (1.0.3) that should fix this. 

The problem was due to how the game was initialised from a previous save. Tile’s values would be set as a String instead of a Number. Then in the end of the game, when the grid is full, the game would incorrectly compare String values (from tiles restored from a previous save) with Number values (from tiles created during the game after loading).