There you go! Version 1.0.5 is now available in the downloads. I added a checkbox in the System Menu to disable crank controls.
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Thank you. There's definitely something wrong with the files as I can't even open them in macOS. If you hit the button menu on the Playdate, and then go to the "Log" screen, you should see messages like this:
> Cannot open audio at '/mp3/Birthday Game Ep. 5 6 - Bee and PuppyCat - Cartoon Hangover.mp3 as a sampleplayer: [wrong file type: no header]
Reencoding your files with ffmpeg (with just `ffmpeg -i yourfile.mp3 myfile.mp3`) worked for me. Hope this helps.
You can find older releases on GitHub:
But I’d be surprised if this made any difference. How do you side load ? (Online or via USB)? What is your PlaydateOS version?
Thanks for your kind words. I would say porting a mod shouldn't be too hard considering most of the engine is done and should likely be the exact same. So the work would mostly consist in porting the assets (sprites and tiles) and levels.
I'm currently working on an update and I'm thinking about a way to implement mods (either specific ones made for Playdate or ones from Pico-8 cartridges). I'll see if this goes anywhere.
I need to check on Playroll.
I wanted to implement this at first, but it resulted in a very stuttered audio. Stopping an image as soon as you stop cranking is not disturbing, but stopping the audio made for a very unenjoyable experience in my opinion. I guess the solution lies in having threshold so that the audio continues for a few milliseconds when you stop cranking (and the images as well).
Thank you for your kind words. My process was to first grab all game code and assets from the PICO-8 using command line exports from the PICO-8 dev kit. Then, since both PICO-8 and Playdate can use Lua, I polyfilled all functions used in the game in PICO-8 to work similarly on the Playdate. But this turned out to be terribly slow (around 5 FPS) and not very legible (not everything looked good straigtaway in 1-bit). So then I started the slow process of optimizing things part by part, both in code and graphism. Most of the time, this meant replacing things draw frame by frame in PICO-8 by using Sprites in the Playdate SDK. You can go through the commit history on Github of how it went (
Thank you for your kind words. However, please note that the music in this port is the exact same as the original one. This is a port of the original Celeste Classic for PICO-8, not a port or demake of the popular Celeste game on modern consoles. It was made by the same two core people than the Celeste game on consoles, Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry. They deserve all the credits for the controls, movement and soundtrack.
Hey there! I've pushed a new version (1.0.3) that should fix this.
The problem was due to how the game was initialised from a previous save. Tile’s values would be set as a String
instead of a Number
. Then in the end of the game, when the grid is full, the game would incorrectly compare String
values (from tiles restored from a previous save) with Number
values (from tiles created during the game after loading).