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what is the size of your weapon?

i do this method to simplify my weapon sprite creation:

i make all my weapon sprites 320x180 and place the weapon in that sprite as i want it to appear on the screen

this makes it fit exactly as i want it to at scale 1, and i dont really need to fiddle with the position. setting the y position to about 30 to 50 compensates for the weapon bobbing. it also makes it easier to align my weapon animation frames cuz the images i am making represent exactly what is on the screen.

if your weapon sprites are huge, then at scale 1 they are just too big for you to see them without adjusting the scale to 0.1 or some such. just play with the scale if you are adamant about having large sprites for the weapons.

Thank you very much!!!

This method really helped me a lot! It's strange that nothing specifically 
was written about the size of the weapon sprites, so I set the 
resolution to 1280 x 720 and thought that it should be so. 
Once again, thanks a lot for your help!
(1 edit)

you are welcome

there is much with this engine that is learning tricks and such, and trial and error. the guy who made it has a fulltime job and documentation is an ongoing work in progress. i started a wiki to provide community documentation but there is not much there and its outdated, its all from the old version. just keep grinding, when you dont understand how or why something works, ask and if one of us knows we will try to help. and backup your project folder regularly, it can be easy to brick a project if you are not careful and learn how the engine works.

Yeah, bricking is.... often...

I wonder if I should make auto-backup option so it would back up the entire project when saving... would take a lot of space though...

once you get to know the engine, it's actually pretty easy to un-brick tho

every project i have bricked has been because the engine was looking for files that didn't exist anymore because i screwed up, and you can "un-brick" that by editing dat files

but editing dat files is definetely not recommended 

and i hear you on the weapon sprites not needing to have all the empty space. i just find it makes it much easier when actually making the weapon sprites, i can just add layers in and onion skin, knowing what its gonna look like on the screen, and i don't have to scale it in the editor cuz it already sits where i want it to sit. i imagine it wastes some memory, but i have never noticed any impact and its become a standard part of my workflow

There should be hardly any impact on performance, considering everything else engine does. 

Just loading time and memory usage will be higher. Also, not every GPU supports big textures, but I imagine it's not that big of a problem nowadays.

Actually resolution is not really restricted. You just have to scale your sprites properly. It's a good idea to crop your sprites (all of them should be the same size though) so it would show at the top left corner and then adjust their position by enetring X and Y values.