Please don’t take my comments as negativity. I am absolutely loving this game, but with a few refinements it could be even better.
A couple of other suggestions:
- I think it would be good if there was an indication as to what level you are on. Perhaps display a title card at start of each level to display the current depth. E.g. Level 1 = 100m. Level 2 = 200m etc.
- It might be too resource intensive but I though it would be cool if monsters could spawn out of holes in the ground.
- With the right combination of luck and equipment choices I have found I can mine 100 ore from a single level, whereas other choices will only only get me a few per level. Maybe this is a feature, but it feels a little unbalanced. I find myself trying to get force field and radio waves plus the mining addon simply to get the big bucks, and then keep mining until the time runs out. Then I have loads to spend in the store for next time.
- It would be nice if the radio waves looked like waves rather than balls. Perhaps little curve lines that fire out wards.
- Sometimes between levels it is forcing me to switch to diferent weapons when I really want to keep the ones I have. Is this a design choice?
- When swapping out an existing weapon, the replacement always seems to say lvl 1. Is this a bug?
- Rather that’s ‘Deploy’ and ‘Unlock’, perhaps ‘Deploy’ and ‘Shop’?