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This game is an interesting synthesis of multiple concepts to produce something brand new. It's very fitting considering the subject of the game. I love the art! I can tell that you worked hard on that aspect. I do have a few criticisms about this game, though. I wish the dimensions of the screen could be a little larger, or that the UI elements were bigger. I spent a good minute or so trying to read the instructions on the title screen. Additionally, it may be better if the different gameplay elements were more streamlined. While the different recipes were interesting, I found it a bit of a chore to repeatedly walk across the room. To be clear, this is a great game and an excellent display of your skills. Before I forget, I would also like to suggest the implementation of some kind of lose condition. Without one, the experience unfortunately grows stale rather quickly. I know that this is getting unnecessarily long, but I thought all of this was worth mentioning. All in all, I love this idea!