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Very fun game. Controls took me a minute to get used (maybe a bit floaty), when I got them I really enjoyed the platforming. Loved the idea with the rotating level- must have been hard to design levels that work from four sides. 

The only downside was the graphics. Lots of people will look at it and figure it's another "jumping-square-I-my-first-unity-project" kind of game, and not really give it a try. Maybe consider using some free assets,  paid asset pack, or getting a graphics guy (I've done all of the above with varying results).

Had lots of fun- keep up the good work! 

thanks for the feedback! And yea not really sure what to do with the graphics yet lol. Either gonna think of a theme/story that fits and redo all the graphics or just add some lighting effects and call it a day.

For the movement controls did you feel like when you hold jump it floated at the top longer than expected? I made it so that it floats for a certain amount of time if you’re holding jump before applying the full gravity strength- not sure if I made the jump float time a bit too long

More like moving to the sides while jumping. I nearly always went further then I wanted, making precise jumps difficult.