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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I appreciate that

thanks! And yea i wasn’t really trying to make anything other than a clone of super monkey ball, but I realize that won’t get me points for game jam ratings tho

And people keep saying they wish there was controller support but honestly I really don’t want people to play it with keyboard cause to me monkey ball just doesn’t make sense with digital controls. Again not great for ratings but i don’t really care lol cause I think the experience on keyboard would be so much worse

thanks! And yea I made the music. And good to know about the camera sensitivity

Just rated your game! Great work btw

Mine is

This game deserves so much praise. The art is actually amazing along with very polished audio, voice acting, and UI. Gameplay-wise it's a good mix of simplicity and strategy. Also, I'm super impressed at how fleshed out the choices in between levels are and how your choices can affect the game. For feedback, I'd say it was a little too much reading at times

I didn't rate a ton of games in this jam but this is probably the best one ive played! Great work

I like it! It def needs some more content but this is a fun way to do a boxing game

Just played yours and left a rating! My game is

Super sick little doodle jump type game! I love that the boulders all just fall however gravity makes them fall and that you can jump on them. Nice twist on a OG formula

I like the concept a lot! and I like how different areas are require you to use combinations of different characters and revisit areas later once youve got the required more characters. For feedback I'd say the platforming is pretty unforgiving and there could be some more audio/visual feedback to let the player know when theyre losing hearts

ty! I’ll play yours later

hi everyone, basically what the title says. I need some more ratings before the end of the jam, so leave a comment and I’ll rate your game! (Also ideally help me get some more ratings :))

very valid! Yea I really just wanted to make a clone of super monkey ball lol but I understand your criticism. And it’s kinda a loose interpretation of the theme but the weiner dog is shrunk down into the ball hence the giant trees 

The art is really great. I like the core of the game as well, I think the difficulty couldve been more gradually increased tho instead of being very hard from the start. Overall great work tho

Very nice visuals and audio. The game is definitely a vibe. For feedback I'd say that the actual gameplay loop felt a little boring/repetetive to me

yea I wasn’t able to retry to boss because the timer and health bar disappeared 

Super cool and unique movement! Very polished and well executed

Very cool! I enjoyed this a lot. It felt like a good amount of difficulty. I died on the boss fight and then after that the music stopped and the boss didn't have a health bar anymore, so I didn't end up making it past that. Not sure how much more there was in the game but I liked what I played! My feedback is that the boss fight was a little frustrating because the boss can stand on your boxes and there's nothing you can do about it besides waiting


I loved this. I got pretty sucked in and ended up playing for like 30 minutes. I really enjoyed that the puzzles all felt pretty fair but challenging. I did end up getting stuck on one level, so if you have a playthrough video or anything i'd be curious to see the solution lol

I'm a fan. I realized I was changing colors to the beat which was v satisfying. Graphics could definitely use some work but I had fun playing it still

Ahh I see. I didn't know what it did but that makes sense

(1 edit)

This is the first game I've rated and it's a banger! Amazing artwork and really polished overall. I like the interpretation of the theme as well. For feedback, I got stuck after beating the boss- I opened the chest but then couldnt do anything after? I ended up back tracking which I realized I wasn't supposed to do. Otherwise really great game

Update: I'm really glad there's a save feature cause I came back to it and almost made it to the end. This game has a crazy amount of content for a game jam. like 3-4 full-fledged boss fights is crazy. I'll probly finish it later but I'm taking a break for now

Honestly I thought I was gonna hate the story aspects but once I was midway I was too curious to not finish. My feedback is that it was pretty hard to see around cause of the camera zoom and how dark it was. Overall genuinely enjoyed this. Also happy 20th review!

Really great submission! I agree with other people that this is a really polished with lots of features for such a short jam. Visually really great and feels good to play. I'd say for feedback I think the tutorial couldve been more thorough for sure

Great work. I love a good one button game

Very polished! My feedback is that I'd rather have some moving obstacles instead of things that are just close together. Otherwise it was fun and felt good to control the ship

It was level 7! And I just went back to it and figured it out. It was definitely an issue of my critical thinking and not the game itself haha I finished it and it was great!

Probably one of my favorite games I've played for this game jam yet! I love the style and audio, it gives a very cute and distinct brand. I was a little confused at first with the dimensions, but the pacing of the introduction of new things was great and I got used to it very quickly. I got quite a few levels in and only stopped because I got stumped on a level for far too long lol, No notes really!

That was very interesting in a good way. The visuals and audio are well done, especially the room with all the eyes is very spooky. I'd say it was definitely a little short though and I was pretty surprised when the game finished. Overall great work!

The visuals are super polished! The character movement also felt really smooth. My feedback is that it did kinda start to make me dizzy cause of a glitch where the camera would snap to a random direction

I really liked the art style and overall aesthetic of the game! I also liked the design of the main character and the way some objects look like they're glowing. The cut scene was also well-drawn. I think this was a great beginning for a game and I'd love to play an extended version!

This was really cool. I like the game idea a lot. I think the controls were a little janky at points, but overall great game design and cute aesthetic. Great job!

Fun idea and sound effects! I was a little confused at the criteria for the progress bar verses the idea bar, but had a fun time shooting the intrusive thoughts. Maybe it's me, but I found that it took too long to win. It could maybe use some smaller end points like levels to keep me motivated to play. Overall a funny concept and good game!

The visuals and overall polish are amazing! Only complaint visually is that it was a little hard to see the main character sometimes. Gameplay-wise the game was fun for sure. My feedback would be to add some sort of progression mechanic to keep it interesting as you get further in. Overall great submission!

Overall I thought it was pretty fun. I think it could use some polishing visually and some tweeks to the movement though. I still enjoyed playing it though which is a good sign, just needs some polishing. Great work!

A really fun quick play! I took about 3 or 4 tries before beating the game and it was the perfect amount of difficulty to keep me coming back. I also appreciate a good backstory so I love those details. The only critique I have is that there were a few times I could've sworn I was safe from a tentacle but I still lost a heart. Otherwise, it was a very fun and concise game! Great entry!

I loved the concept of the game, so creative! The mechanic of phasing through the brain was really cool and felt nice and fluid. I got caught for a while on the first part you have the little cancer cells/virus/bad guys, but I eventually got through. There maybe should be a better way to defend myself or attack them? I think it would also help to have the camera back up a bit more so players can see where they're going better and plan ahead. Overall, cute concept!

Loved that. I like that theres no tutorial and you just kinda get introduced to new tools as you go. Only complaint is maybe the sound was a little shrill and the shovel thing where you pick up the white blocks was a little visually unclear what it was supposed to be. Overall really really enjoyed it though

Consider me spooked

The pixel art is seriously some of the best I've seen in a game jam! My feedback is that I would say the gameplay too easy/repetitive and could benefit from some enemies