Thanks for you feedback! I really appreciate it!
Square enemies are totally a placeholder, I wasn't able to replace them befor the quest. I'll let the artist I work with know that everyone likes the crabs!
I do have an intention of making the game deeper and more strategic, and I'm not quite happy with what is there yet. My main inspiration came from raiding in WoW, so I would like to implement more boss-like mechanics and patterns in the future. There is also a plan to add "roguelite" progression on top of it between the runs - I just wanted to polish core gameplay a little bit more before I got to that. I was also thinking about adding narrative to support the whole thing (probably not much, just some basic worldbuilding to set the tone and set a goal, as you mentioned)
Anyway, all good points and suggestions, it confirmes to me the importance of certain things I'm planning to do and gives something to think about!